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New Patient Visit

Your first visit is all about:

1. Finding out what is going on

2. What benefits you can get from Chiropractic care

3. Getting started on adjusting your body back to optimum 


Above all else, this session find out what you want to get out of coming to see us. This is about making sure you can get the most out of chiropractic.


Once I'm happy we've checked everything we need to check, we will go through exactly what's causing your issues, what can be done about it and how you are likely to respond chiropractic care.

If appropriate to do so, we can get started right away on getting you out of Pain and on the road to improving you Health and Wellbeing.

Chiropractic First Visit

Adjustment Visits

Adjustment or 'Follow up visit' will allow us to tune your body back up to optimum movement, function and performance to keep you at your best.


We will start each appointment re-checking to see how your body is changing to make sure we are on track.


Chiropractic adjustments are both effective and comfortable so there is no need to worry if you've not had it done before.


Once we have got you tuned up to where you are happy, we will talk about how we can keep you there. This is where a lot of people decide to carry on having infrequent visits to keep them tuned up and reduce the likelihood of future issues.

You will have to decide how you want to stay healthily. Infrequent visits to Chiropractor is a great way of being proactive to keep on top of niggles before they become bigger problems in the future. 


We will also offer advice of exercises, lifestyle changes and other things you can do to help you keep you feeling at your best.

Chiropractic Treatment
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